New updates on the triggering mechanism for wastewater injection induced earthquakes
报告人简介:陈晓伟博士2007年毕业于中国科学技术大学。2007-2013年在加州大学圣地亚哥分校学习,获得地球物理学博士学位。2013-2014年在日本东京大学地震研究所和美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所从事博士后研究。2015年起任现职。陈博士研究兴趣广泛,在微震震源机制、前震序列及其活动特征、冰震、诱发地震等领域皆有深入研究。在JGR、GRL、EPSL等国际地球物理主流杂志发表论文多篇。获得国家自费留学生奖学金、AGU最佳学生论文奖等奖励多项。多次担任AGU session convener、主流期刊审稿人、NSF项目评审人及期刊组稿人。
报告内容简介:The earthquake rates have been dramatically increasing since 2009 in central United States. Many previous studies suggest that these earthquakes are induced due to oil/gas exploration. In Oklahoma, the wastewater from oil exploration is injected into a deep Arbuckle Formation, which is the layer predominately located above the Precambrian basement. The injection causes increase in pore pressure, promotes fault slip, causing earthquakes. However, in addition to pore pressure increase, new evidence suggests that we need to consider other triggering mechanisms. In this report, we will focus on interpretations for some new observational results. First, there exist strong spatial-temporal correlation between injection and earthquake activities, as well as relationship between injection volume and earthquake magnitudes, which only emerges at larger scales (e.g., > 30 km). Second, we find the earthquakes exhibit strong spatial migration pattern, which can be well explained with pore pressure diffusion. The diffusion model has two different spatial scales, a large-scale migration representing diffusion within the injection layer with higher permeability, and small-scale migration representation diffusion along a single fault system in the basement. Last, we find that in addition to pore pressure diffusion, there exist multiple other triggering mechanisms. In western Oklahoma, we find coupled poro-elastic response exceeds pore pressure increase. For the M5.8 Pawnee earthquake, small foreshock activities cause increase in Coulomb stress at the mainshock hypocenter, suggesting that small earthquakes can lead to triggering of mainshocks.